26 November, 2008

I've found it!!!

It has been 26 years, 3 months, 8 days, 18 hours and 19 minutes since I've embarked on this journey of life. Every single human being ever conceived into this world has been on the same journey and has had the same underlying mutual, simplistic, involuntary goal; to find the meaning of life. At the end of your life you may hope to have found many things; happiness, a family, a successful career, lots and lots of effortlessly earned money (which is very rare, from what I hear), maybe the perfect key lime pie? No matter how hard you look I think you'll find that very few people really find everything they look for in life; why is that do you suppose? Is it because people are inherently lazy and like to pass on the blame (which by the way has only one exception, the past 8 years under Bush, in that scenario you're not lazy, just stupid), or do you think it's because deep down we really don't want to find all the things we hope to find? Those have to be the only possible scenarios... either because you're lazy or not that sincere about what you want. In a sense those two things seem the same; for instance, they both have a semantically based relationship with what they are referring to as being portrayed in the grammatically structured subject matter.
Whatever the reason you will give at the end of your life, I'm willing to place bets that many people lie on their death bed and regret one thing or another that happened in their life. Would it be worth doing; regretting? Is it worth looking back in your life wishing you had done something different, or does that fall into the "lazy" category? Of course I don't mean that people on their death beds are lazy for not doing something about what they regret not doing, but I do think that for whatever reason, whatever they might regret doing is part of their own fault. "But Phil, how can you say that about someone on their death bed, they are dying, how can they be to blame for something they can't do anything about?"?(That was me asking a question for you) Well, to that I might say, metaphorically, I am not talking about them, I'm talking about YOU! (Note to readers, if you're reading this on your death bed, thank you for your loyalty and for making reading my blog as much as possible a life goal).
What I'm saying, is that everything you do in life should be for a reason; be it working to support your family, working to support your lavish lifestyle which you can't afford, trying to find a hobby that will keep you busy until you realize how much time you've wasted. For whatever you live for, make it worth while, and make it count, because you're only going to get one shot in this life, so make it count. (another note to readers, if you believe in reincarnation and argue Oh, but I will get another shot, then I'm sorry, but "another shot" would indicate that you can go back and try again, well my friend you are sadly mistaken, because being reincarnated isn't a "do-over", it's a resultant of how you live your life, so I'M STILL RIGHT!!!) ME? I'm going to think long and hard about what it is I might regret at the end of my life (this way I can prepare my excuses in advance...), because if I take the time now to plan ahead what it is I might not want, then I can bring myself back to reality and realize what it is that really matters to me. I need to separate the things that I want or need or wish I had, I need to give myself reasons for doing what I do, and I need to set the facts straight with my conscious so I give my life a purpose, which is what i have found to be the reason to live!
God bless, and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

15 November, 2008

Two strings attached at different parts of the surface; each having a ball tied to the end and the two are connected to each other. United as one they are a perfect match. While their roots were secured at different points, their unity reflects the changes they took on to come together.

Once their roots were straight and separate, now they are curved towards each other, pointing to the marriage that united them. They are happily together, and with their roots fastened tight to the surface they are secure and confident that they will always be together.

Many couples like it share the same union. Some are yet to join; flailing about their single appearance, they swing from side to side. Some have been joined forever, never to budge an inch. The most beautiful of them all, is us!

We share our time suspended above eternity. Peering down we become weary at what would happen if either of us were to fall. The forever falling would be death in itself. The separation caused by nature is somehow the most painful! Being pushed away is cumbersome and dreary, but the pain remains as a feeling. Being taken away hurts at first, but the pain subsides when we are released to go about and once again merge into our bond. Yet the most painful is the most beautiful.

The separation is breathtaking at best, agonizing beyond comprehension at worst; never in between. Being ripped away, leaving debris behind for the others to clean up. Who knows if it’s painful for them? I do not know, because I am now forever falling in silence. The beauty is now apparent and beyond comparison! Everything is still in view, just as it always was. The perspective is different, though, much different than I had imagined. It’s like you’re right there in front of me, yet I cannot touch you as I always could. You’re voice sounds as sweet in my memory as it always had, and your touch is… missing. You’re now alone, swinging in the dark, left to make sense of what is now left for you; life.

Confusion sets in as the realization begins to mark its place on the horizon, which is now quickly fading. I’m falling yet I remain in place for all to see, waiting for the time to come where I’m gently plucked out of the sky by the one who placed me. Until that day, you can see me as a shimmering light, visiting you on a clear night, to remind you again that I’ll always be with you.

Please remember those you love!