Wow, here it is, my very first blog; my first attempt at getting people to read what's on my mind in the form of a cool internet site. What better way to spend your free time than on a cool internet site that gives you entertainment, information, and a way to tell me and others about what you think of what I think... "So what do you think" You ask? Well, I'm glad you asked, but you're going to have to wait for that answer, because before we get into the "nitty-gritty" of my thoughts I'd like to cover some other things.
First of all, welcome to my site! I'm glad you're taking the time to visit and see what's on my mind. Some things you'll find on my mind are:
Family is always first!
Music is good for your soul and memory (I'll tell you how later)!
Junk food is BAD!
Mt. Dew is GOOD (not really "good", but GOOD, if you know what I mean)!
just for starters. You'll also find some helpful tips, tricks, and information that you may (or may not) find interesting, helpful, wrong, or a waste of time (hopefully a good combination of these things). Check out some of my other thoughts, ideas, and even inventions on the sides of this page.
So now that we're off to a good start I'll give you something to think about, hopefully something that will get you up and working towards your life goal!
My life goal has been to rais a family. Since I was a young child I thought about how much fun it was going to be to have a family of my own. Having a clan of my own would mean i had freedom from my parents and their rules, I could live the way I wanted without having to worry about making it home in time for my curfew (which I normally didn't). Now I do have a family, a wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters. We live in a home which we own (or will "own" in thirty years). I have a great full time job which is exactly what I've always wanted to do and has great potential. We have found a great church which we enjoy attending. All this that I (we) have is what I've always wanted, and what I've found isn't really what I originally had in mind or expected.
I have freedom, the freedom to go to work every day in order to pay all our bills and make sure my family can eat. I can live the way I want, as long as it's within budget (budget??? yeah right). No worries about having to be home in time to make curfew, I can come home as late as I want... to see my family and help put the kids to bed, and mow the yard, and pay the bills (there's the bills again...). Truth is, this whole family thing is't what I expected. Maybe it was "adult-hood" I was looking forward to, who knows, but either way I would not trade it for the world! I love my wife more than I've ever loved (or will ever love) anyone. My daughters are a perfect reflection of my wife and I, but I can't hold that agains them... they make up for that part by being adorable, smart, cuddly, and worth every second.
My point is, family is all you're ever going to have that will last. You can work 150 hours a week, make billions of dollars a year, have all the earthly pleasures you could dream for, but in the end what "will" you have? I'll tell you; you would have tons of money that you're past and divorced wives, their new children, lawyers, and any business associate you've ever had, all fighting over what you gracefully left behind (may you rest in peace... and be out of their way). I'm not saying that family won't do that when you're gone, but at least you will have been loved for who you were and not what you had. So this "Family First" I mentioned that is so important to me means this: What would you do if tomorrow was your last day to provide for your family? Would you go on that fishing trip you've been wanting to go on? Would you try and put the kids to bed ealry so you can play that new video game you got from your brother? Would you put off the bills for just one more day because you just don't feel like doing anything tonight? Guilty...Guilty...Guilty as charged! Truth is that you don't know when your last days are going to be, so we have the luxury of putting things off in ignorance, that's right I said ignorance! We are all ignorant; we are all ignorant to the fact that we could be dead in a matter of minutes. If I were to die right now typing this drawn-out blog (would you be happy it's finally done?) I would leave my family in a bad way! So I'm going to try and find that second job to get our credit cards paid off, I'm going to try and think of new ways to channel our money so for once we will not have more month when our money is gone. I'm going to put my family first because that's all I have!
*Here's a fact for you, if for some reason i couldn't have had a family, I would have gone to be a sniper*
I hope you enjoyed my firsf blog! Feel free to make any comments you want, and please come back to visit!
Phil, what the f@#% is this? Did you really write this or did aliens take over your body? Just kidding. What made you want to do this?
Justin, this is the only blog you'll be able to find the truth, the whole, and nothing but the truth (don't mind the fallacious sarcastic remarks found scattered through out). I did this mainly because aliens took over my body, it's odd that you mention that... and the rest of it is because the people of the world need my help to properly arm themselves with what is needed to make it through life (and because I need a way to express myself since the army is not there to let me vent).
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