15 November, 2008

Two strings attached at different parts of the surface; each having a ball tied to the end and the two are connected to each other. United as one they are a perfect match. While their roots were secured at different points, their unity reflects the changes they took on to come together.

Once their roots were straight and separate, now they are curved towards each other, pointing to the marriage that united them. They are happily together, and with their roots fastened tight to the surface they are secure and confident that they will always be together.

Many couples like it share the same union. Some are yet to join; flailing about their single appearance, they swing from side to side. Some have been joined forever, never to budge an inch. The most beautiful of them all, is us!

We share our time suspended above eternity. Peering down we become weary at what would happen if either of us were to fall. The forever falling would be death in itself. The separation caused by nature is somehow the most painful! Being pushed away is cumbersome and dreary, but the pain remains as a feeling. Being taken away hurts at first, but the pain subsides when we are released to go about and once again merge into our bond. Yet the most painful is the most beautiful.

The separation is breathtaking at best, agonizing beyond comprehension at worst; never in between. Being ripped away, leaving debris behind for the others to clean up. Who knows if it’s painful for them? I do not know, because I am now forever falling in silence. The beauty is now apparent and beyond comparison! Everything is still in view, just as it always was. The perspective is different, though, much different than I had imagined. It’s like you’re right there in front of me, yet I cannot touch you as I always could. You’re voice sounds as sweet in my memory as it always had, and your touch is… missing. You’re now alone, swinging in the dark, left to make sense of what is now left for you; life.

Confusion sets in as the realization begins to mark its place on the horizon, which is now quickly fading. I’m falling yet I remain in place for all to see, waiting for the time to come where I’m gently plucked out of the sky by the one who placed me. Until that day, you can see me as a shimmering light, visiting you on a clear night, to remind you again that I’ll always be with you.

Please remember those you love!


Unknown said...

Did you write this?! Or just copy/paste?lol It's good! I just noticed it was written last week...how did I miss that? Okay see ya later.love ya!

Phil Doak said...

I did write it, it was inspired by a thought the other day while i was donating. I thought, what if i were to suddenly die? There would be no way for me to tell you how much I loved you, no way to know what happens when I'm gone; I would be nothing but a memory and your life would continue without me, left to sort things out. I couldn't figure out how to make sense or express that, so that post was my best shot... glad you like it!